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I'm a software developer and technology enthusiast. I doodle, I sculpt in polymer clay, and I write software. Anything and everything may end up on this blog.
I have been updating this blog for a long time, sometimes very sporadically. Some posts will talk about plans that never worked out, or things that are no longer being done. I try to update in later posts or even go back and add follow up information to these posts, but sometimes I just miss things. Please don't read an older post and expect links of things I talk about to still be happening now.
There used to be comments on some of these blog entries. Unfortunately I lost them when I migrated from blogger to a previous version of the site. I might bring comments back some day, but for now it is not an option I'm interested in.
I'm just another dumb human trying to figure out how to get by.
If you are buying a Tesla, please use my Referral link. We both get money toward Solar. donald56916
Version: 1.0.1
"The measure of a life is a measure of love and respect. So hard to earn, so easily burned" Rush - The Garden
"I turn sideways to the sun
keep my thoughts from everyone
It's a jungle, I'm a freak
Hear me talk, but never speak" New Order - World