Things I Like
Development Tools and Sites
- Visual Studio Code Javascript based desktop multi-platform IDE. Support for nearly every language. Plugins for everything you can imagine. Or, write plugins for your specific needs.
- BBEdit The classic native Mac IDE. Support for multiple languages. 30 day evaluation is available.
- IntelliJ IDEA Heavy duty IDE for Enterprise Java and Web. Still my go to for Java development at my day job.
- Beyond Compare Diff and merge conflict tool for multiple platforms.
- Material Design Icons Free to use font based icons from Google.
- Tower Great Git client for Mac and Windows. Free trial is available.
- SQLPro Studio Database client for Mac, iOS, and Windows.
- Nova Mac Code Editor. Great modern interface built native for the Mac.
- Script Kit Run scripts from your desktop to do anything.
- iTerm2 Terminal replacement that is better in almost every way.
Software, Services, Resources, and Hardware
- Soulver Tape based calculator app. You can write formulas and expressions and change variables to re-calculate results. Simple, but just complex enough.
- Bunch Free menu bar utility to start and stop groups of applications. I have one for 'work' that starts all the apps I need and can close them when I'm done for the day.
- Maccy Free clipboard manager for the Mac.
- Backblaze Cloud based backup for personal or business.
- Hazel Rule based file processing for the Mac. Automatically clean folders, move files, tag files, etc...
- Drafts Mac and iOS tool for writing all kinds of text. Capture any kind of text. Process it, and send it to where it needs to be.
- Dropzone Mac menu bar tool for moving and copying files to configurable locations.
- Hero Patterns SVG patterns for use as web site backgrounds. I'm using one of these now.
- Commander X16 Modern 8-Bit Computer.
- Aerial Screensaver Open source version of the Apple TV screen saver.
- Elgato Stream Deck Extra buttons with little screens on them, and you can program them to do things.
- Alfred App Application launcher replacement and much much much much more.
Friends and Other Sites
- Yaboiksar Great friend and co-worker. Also a fabulous artist.
- Life Unfurled Friend and former co-worker. Technology and sailing.
- ErikMakes Friend and former co-worker. Making amazing things.
- Wertsdb71 Friend and former co-worker. Music, entertainment, and art.
- Frank Stull My step-father. Motorcycle rides and events.
- Fortified Universe Friend and former co-worker. Music, art, and programming.
- sirshannon Friend and former co-worker.
Search / Archive
"The measure of a life is a measure of love and respect. So hard to earn, so easily burned" Rush - The Garden
"I turn sideways to the sun
keep my thoughts from everyone
It's a jungle, I'm a freak
Hear me talk, but never speak" New Order - World