Nintendo Wii
After much searching and an absolute refusal to wait in early morning lines, I managed to get a Nintendo Wii. Target had at least 8 of them and the checkout guy seemed puzzeled at my excitement. Heres my early review:
Nintendo Wii: The graphics are the only disapointment on the Wii. The controls are the best of any console. This is the first time I haven't missed a keyboard and mouse on a console. The Online store could learn a few things from Microsoft's marketplace, but I expect it to improve over time. I have not been able to find a second Wii controller, or component video cables.
Wii Sports: No one expects the sample disc that comes with a console to be worth much, but I have spent as much time playing Wii Sports as I have any of the other games I have.
Rayman Raving Rabbids: Think of Wario ware style mini-games that make you laugh. This one is really fun and should be fun to show your friends when they come over to gawk at your Wii.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: Wow! Apparently I haven't really even started the game yet, and I'm already 3 hours in. The story seems to be complex and the controls are spot on. It's supposed to take 60 hours to complete this game.